The Oregon Department of Energy’s Rental Home Heat Pump Program offers rebates and grants for the installation of heat pumps and related upgrades in dwellings used as residential tenancy (rentals) and manufactured dwellings or recreational vehicles located in a rented space. For residential tenancies, the maximum rebate is $3,000 or 60% of the total cost of the purchase and installation of a high efficiency heat pump, and $5,000 or 60% of the total cost of the purchase and installation of a high efficiency heat pump for households that qualify as Low- or Moderate- Income. For owner-occupied manufactured homes or recreational vehicles renting space in a manufactured home or RV park, the maximum rebate is $4,000 or 80% of the total cost of the purchase and installation of a high efficiency heat pump and $7,000 or 80% of the total cost of the purchase and installation of a high efficiency heat pump for households that qualify as Low- or Moderate- Income. The maximum grant for related upgrades is $2,000, or $4,000 if the household qualifies as Low- or Moderate- Income. The funding for the program comes from State General Fund. Rebates and grant recipients are the contractors who install the heat pump and upgrades, as reflected in the data set. Contractors pass the savings on to their customers (owners of rentals or manufactured homes/RVs in a rented space). This report covers rebates that were issued for the program from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. For more information email: