This dataset is a view of the State of Oregon Agency Data Inventory, showing only the inventory items from the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD). The OWRD data inventory is updated as needed and is submitted to the state EIS department to be updated in the main State of Oregon Agency Data Inventory.
The State of Oregon Agency Data Inventory is an enterprise level inventory that provides a listing of all state agency data inventories, as required in HB 3361(2017), and codified in ORS276A.350-374. This statute requires that state agencies must “create and maintain an inventory of agency information resources,” and include an indication as to whether or not the information or dataset is considered “publishable.” They must then contribute this information to an enterprise level data inventory, maintained by the Chief Data Officer, for display on a centralized open data portal.
For questions about any dataset listed in this inventory, contact the agency directly. For additional information about this inventory or Oregon’s Open Standard, visit Oregon’s Open Data Program.