This data layer is an element of the Oregon GIS Framework. This theme delineates urban growth boundaries (UGBs) in the state of Oregon. The line work was created by various sources including the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Metro Regional Council of Governments (Metro), county and city GIS departments, and the Oregon Department of Administrative Services - Geospatial Enterprise Office (DAS-GEO). UGB areas consist of unincorporated lands surrounding a city that show where the city plans to grow over the next 20 years. When a city needs to develop more residential, commercial, industrial, or public land, it annexes the needed area from its UGB. If a city runs out of needed land within the UGB, it can expand its UGB. Original UGBs were established under the Oregon Statewide Planning Goals in 1973 by the Oregon State Legislature (Senate Bill 100). Goal 14 of the statewide planning program is, "To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use, to accommodate urban population and urban employment inside urban growth boundaries, to ensure efficient use of land, and to provide for livable communities." The process and requirements for designating and amending UGBs are in Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 660, Division 24 (OAR 660-024). Designating or amending a UGB requires a public process, as required by Planning Goal 1, followed by approval by both the city and county elected officials and acknowledgement by the DLCD. This process includes the city submitting a Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendment (PAPA) to DLCD to review for consistency with Goal 14. The PAPA submittal includes GIS files that delineate the changes to the UGB. DLCD aggregates the local GIS layers into the statewide UGB layer. UGB line work and attributes are verified with the city PAPA submittals entered in DLCD’s tabular database to ensure that all UGB updates reported to DLCD have been included in this dataset. UGBs that are currently in the appeal process at the time of publication of this layer are not included. The effDate attribute indicates the year in which the UGB amendment was acknowledged by DLCD. In 2022, DLCD acknowledged amendments to the following UGBs: Central Point, Dayton, Phoenix, and Turner. Corrections were also made to the Astoria and Condon UGBs to reflect the current acknowledged boundary.